Coffee is our love language!
TAZON RICO COFFEE is a specialty coffee micro-roastery based in Purcellville, Virginia.
We have been roasting single origin coffee since 2022, and we are passionate about supporting coffee producers around the globe. We are committed to making a direct impact on Living Income Pricing, which ensures that coffee producers are paid a fair, sustainable wage. By purchasing our coffee you’re helping interrupt poverty among coffee farmers by paying a price that closes the living income gap.
Similarly, we donate to Farmer Impact Funds which invest in coffee communities through direct balloon payments to producers who have autonomy to use the money on community and farm-level projects. The coffees we select have gone through an arduous journey before we roast and deliver it to you.
We hope you get to enjoy and share the joy of coffee by investing in us.
We thank you for it!
The Future is Electric!
Thanks to our friends at Bellwether Coffee, we're roasting our coffee on a cutting edge, electric and ventless roaster.
By using electricity instead of natural gas to roast, our Bellwether reduces our carbon footprint of coffee roasting by an average of 90%.
With the footprint akin to the size of a refrigerator, we're able to roast in-house at our production center in Purcellville, VA using sustainable practices.
Studies show that even with a dirty energy grid powered by coal or natural gas, roasting electric is still considerably cleaner than roasting with natural gas and will only improve as grids get more sustainable over time.